gothere travel tip four: not too many souvenirs

ahhh souvenirs, they seemed like such a good idea at the time, but what do you do with them when you get home?
Of course I still buy souvenirs when I go away, but have i used any of them since i’ve come home? not really.
While traveling Europe I wanted to have something from every country, but you can only buy so many key rings and bracelets before you think “what am i going to do with all of these key rings and bracelets!!”
Maybe only buy a few souvenirs that are actually useful, like a calender, or funny pen. I have a mini English telephone box that sits on my shelf that I love. They can make funny presents for your friends, or great bed t-shirts, but that’s about it. Before going souvenir crazy maybe think about what else you could put that money towards, like something you will ACTUALLY USE!

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